This short piece of fan fiction is written about the hit drama/comedy series Chuck. It takes us into the future where Chuck is regretful of the path he eventually follows. The story was written in the third person with a mellow tone. Piece by piece the reader unravels what has happened to the always beloved Chuck. It really plays on the characters vulnerable side to appeal to the reader. The dialog near the end spliced the flow of the story and used cliche lines such as, "you have gentle eyes." It is a sufficient length for the storyline and not overly descriptive. It was overall good but it left me feeling sad for what Chuck ultimately has to face, Which is a change to the normal feel good ending.
This is a cleverly written story of the rivalry between Inara and Saffron. The author begins by alternating between the characters’ thoughts each paragraph. This gives the reader a deeper understanding of each character and a greater incite into their perspective. When the characters enter into the same room, the writing changes from thought to dialog and begins to mix into the paragraphs. The grammar in this fanfiction was great, the author has obviously written before; I wanted to keep reading to discover what was going to happened next!
This is unlike any fanfic I have read; it takes two important scenes near the end of the movie and puts it into a first person POV of the Farther. It sounds like a simple fan fiction writing strategy, but this author did a fantastic job at it. It absolutely captured the anguish, anxiety and other emotions of the film using descriptive writing and the examination of characters’ thoughts. This makes the reader feel closer to, and more entwined with the plot line; it’s almost like watching the real thing. There was some definite research done before writing this – the dialog and the descriptions used align correctly with the movie making it an excellent piece and worth the read.
Knight And Day
This piece has a rather gloomy outcome for the comedy couple in this movie. June is heading to her death because she feels guilty about being the cause of Roy’s death. The shortness of this fanfic inhibits its ability to get the reader to connect with the characters. The author did set the atmosphere quite well for the first half but it seemed like they gave up and just wanted to finish as readers near the end. It begins with a nice flow where ideas make sense, but then it shifts and I found it jumping around leaving the reader confused as to what was happening and why.
Who Wears The Pants In This Relationship?
I found the argument that this fan fiction revolves around rather pointless and not well thought out, its about a comment that Kato makes about Brit stating he “is my woman.” If the argument between them was not so petty the story would fall together better. The author did show a good understanding of the dynamic duo relationship with harmless bantering just like in the move. The descriptions are quite vague with lines like, “Kato wanted to drag him back in and give him some black and blue bruises with his super fighting skills.” It would have been more engaging if the author described lines such as these with more detail. It was a well written piece but it could have been a lot better with a little more detail and thought.
Samurai Jack/Snow Crash
This fan fiction opens with Jack having gone into the future and ending up in the world of Snow Crash. Meeting several of the books characters, they set out on a mission to start a revaluation against Haku. The idea of joining these two story lines is ingenious; they fit together seamlessly. The author has created a masterpiece with only a few grammar and spelling errors but that can be overlooked because it is 25000 words long. I was not going to read the whole thing but found myself hooked and before I knew it, I had finished. The author really takes control of his or her writing; it was as though I was reading a novel from a published author – a good one at that. The descriptions give you an accurate perception of the characters and made it feel as though you were in the fan fiction yourself. This piece stands out from all the fan fiction I have read and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know what a creative and well written fan fiction looks like.
House/Big Bang Theory
The concept of this fan fiction interested me, putting two of the characters from The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon and Leonard) into the hospital where Dr. House works. Sticking these characters together is an interesting idea because they are complete contrasts to each other. The dialogue for this was quite precise creating an accurate perception of the TV show characters using lines like, “good news its drugs” to portray of Dr Houses sarcasm. Despite it being a great idea to mash these two shows together the plot was not great, making the relationship between the different characters not very engaging for the reader.
This fan fiction captures the feeling of a How I Met Your Mother episode. It begins by jumping into the middle of an argument between the gang, trying to determine if kissing an ex brings up old feelings. The author uses this debate to play on an old relationship between Barney and Robin. It starts off with everyone included in the discussion then when they go to prove the point point that it does not, it focuses on Barney’s perspective to give a brief backround as to why he may argue the side that he does. This story kept me interested the whole way through with an exciting plot that made me want to find out what happened. There was not much to describe the characters so you would want to know the show before reading this one.
This story about the battle at Angband had a lot of potential as it was a battle scene and had a lot of opportunity to be descriptive but the author failed to put any emotion into it. It seemed like they were more concerned with getting down the plot and forgot to put in the detail. The battle itself lasted a few lines which only really explained two of Maedhros kills. One thing I did like about this was the fact that it was a guess who fan fiction, making the reader guess who’s POV it was from
I found this parody about the popular Where the Wild Things Are, quite disappointing. The plot had potential that the author did not meet; it was empty and non descriptive and failed to capture my attention. The story line was supposed to be about Max who is now in college but I found that the author failed to keep this up, slipping to parts that you would think he was writing about a young boy. This was supposed to be a comedy but I did not find it to be funny and coming in at 4311 words was far too drawn out. It is also an unfinished piece that I do not wish to go back and read when the final product is completed.
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