It is written well. Combining what happens to this person, and what we could see as the main character Alan. It is thrilling, and flowsin real time. Getting the carefuly structured event right on cue.
it's nice to see things from different sides.This does, whelst being captavating. That is what makes it a success.
2 Orrs Watch: Catch 22
It's simple.That is part of its success, simplicity in analasys of characters in the story.
From that the auther used their own ideas to make something great. A taste of the whole novel.
3 Oppresion: 1984 have problems with this though. It seems to take too much that has already been said in the book. Quoting something directly from the book as its last sentance.
This takes mcuh of the unorigonality out of this otherwise very good fan fic.There's feelings of desparation, fear, philosiphy.
It takes you on a little journey of feelings.
This is a good fic, but lacks puch without it's own distiinct purpose.
4 O Rise, Rapture, Rise: Death Note/Bioshock
It even touches on modern day themes such as power and greed.
A grea take that kept tme reading to the finish.Great example of Chracter and Setting Crossover fiction.
5 You can Take the Oncologist out of New Jersey: House/Clircks
The characters seem true and believable, writing is good and entertaining.Its good to think of the subtleties of the crossover, in the end it is obvious but it slowly builds up. With interfilm and time comments and wordings.
It has a good dry sence of humour, thats written tidily and to apoint.For a short story thats crucial, so this is succesful to me. It even has a reasonable punchline.
6 Third Annual Miserable Bastards Convention: Blackadder
Character depection is pritty much perfect. This fic makes me want to read more. What will become crossover is right now jsut a add on to a story. Taking the characters form the last series of balckadder and throwing them in a hoemly context.
7 untitled: Trainspotting
Is fluently written, with chilling statements about the lifesyle of these people.
A good fanfic to me can take you straight back to the world of the story, make you think again.
This does. Short sntances, alalytical but inconsistant thoughts.
Somewhere between a drug trip and concious thought.
Carefully not over written. It seems that alot of fan fics can overdo the small details.
This have so much effect in its statements about the surroundings that more descrition is unnecisary.
A great film, that has bourne a great fan fic
8 Son of a Preacher Man: Pulp Fiction
In this fan fiction the auther has the luxuary to be quite creative. The character "Punpkin" is just a cameo roll the film. In this fan fic he is given a past and personality that matches the small ammount of dialauge in the movie.
The writing is perswesive, making us sympathise with a character. Showing just how much the speech Samual L Jackson makes real. Creating the feelings we have as the audiance inside "Punmpins/Ringo's" head.This makes it so personal and so effective I was veyr surprised.
This fan fic is sucessful because the auther took his or her own feelings and translated them into a text.
his makes it very easy to understand and relate to.
9 The Best and the Worst Movies of year: Family Guy
You can hear the voices saying the words, as though is is out of a skit or end show thing. This is a huge franchise, that is very recognized internationally. So to create something even similar to the series is a success. Also it is nice to see that they didn't just try to create an episode around their idea. The author instead chose to create something small to convey their idea.
10 Mice and Metal Gods: OF Mice and Metal Gods/Metalocalypse
Accurate and quite well written.
The person has actually read the book before trying to write something, which makes the humor much better. Gives it a kind of intelligence that isn't obvious whilst reading the text.
Two completely different things.
Interesting by name and content
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteAll of these fanfictions sound very interesting. Great analysis of each. :-) I have one small suggestion. For each of the links, I suggest edit them so they are like a hyperlink, where you click on the title of the fanfiction and it takes you to the story, instead of clicking on the actual long link eg: You could put the title as the link. To do this, click on "Link" when editing the blog and then in the field "Text to display:" write the title and in the next field "To what URL should this link go?" write the link. I think it's more visually pleasing and easier for the reader to access the fanfiction.
In fact, an example of what I mean can be found in this person's blog: