Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chris Dents FanFic: Bioshock


I stood in Raptures Main Plaza.
Jostled between damp bodies, my sign held high proudly above my head.
Just like the message, the crowds feeling was forceful. Taught as a bowstring set to be strung.
I closed my eyes, could feel him watching.
That God almighty figure, a shadowy founder of the underwater city wonder we now struggle to live in. Like God he has his wrath, or justice as he sees fit. Justice beyond measure of sanity it seems. He created this place yes, but now we are ready to leave. We are humans not sheep.
I have been in this place since it’s beginning. Crowds swarmed, intellectuals gravitated towards the tempting unknown. A utopia free for minds to create, a place of equality where you can rightly own what you work for.  To be so far away from anywhere would be such an opportunity we all thought! Being able to be away from controlling governments and inhibited lives chosen for us by upper class giants.
It was too good though, far too good to be true.
Life, and all it’s perceptions seem only to last for seconds.
With the freedom people began to wander form the path, pleasant thoughts could become sinister, class patterns began to emerge, a clash of those fighting to be top dog.
Then us, us pawns at the bottoms. We’re the ones who loose out the most. Here in our hundreds captured in our cages, so into the street we’re running. Defending our dignity again, fighting for a chance for freedom.
I thrust my sign roof wards, thinking back to the fall of this civilization.
ADAM, a miracle drug founded on the ocean floor.
A thing of such power it corrupted in the most pure of soles.
This wondrous substance could change lives, heel people; create an innumerable amount of uses.
So wonderful it was enviable that it was to change things.
Even now here in this crowed I could fell its presence.
Splicers are looming for sure; they like to catch us, anything to cure their addiction for a time. A lust for power, that could drive a victim do ghastly deeds.
We felt the fear. It fuelled us. Fuelled us to leave our homes. To beat on doors.
Suddenly a grand sound erupts around us and Andrew Ryan’s face stares rigidly down at us. A towering menace that silenced the crowed.
Sitting at a desk he crossed his fingers and looked down now in a perplexed fashion.
“People, here you are standing angrily at my feet. What is it that I have done to you all? Can’t you appreciate just what I have done for you?”
Meeker members of the crowed had already begun to run but not I. Nor would the stronger of us; our wills were not here to be broken.
“I gave you air, a free air that is your own. Not owned by a government or being leeched away by a biased company. For to long we’ve had to stand for a upper class regime.”
His voice was slowly rising. But we would not cower.
“Set us free!” was shouted from the crowd.
At that his face turned wooden. His eye’s told stories of a million disappointmentss'. We were just one more.
“NO! You dare defy me? When your best interests lie in me? But you are just parasites yourselves aren’t you. Leeching life from me. I know you’d show yourselves. TRAITERS you are and NOTHING MORE!”
The ground began to tremble.
His ground.
“You will be smitten and taken for you deceit, out of here you shall never wander. To feed your greedy selfishness elsewhere. No that will NOT DO!”
His face disappeared and an eerie quiet remained.
Suddenly walls shook around us, cold winds blew underneath me.
I turned to run now, a man in his insanity cannot be reasoned with. I’ll find another way home out of here.
But as I turned the corner my heart froze.
No more was it necessary to chant and yell, all hope was gone.
Streets were blocked with great walls. People beating them for their freedom.
Patriotic music rose around me and it was then that I knew.
As the water touched my feet I wished I’d never been born.


  1. Hey Chris,

    I really enjoyed reading this. The idea of choosing to write about a video game is great. Your writing is decidedly descriptive, it really captures the emotion of the main character and gives you a sense of why they are protesting. Your ending was brilliant, leaving the reader in suspense, wondering if they are going to die or not.

  2. I didn't know what BioShock was so I did some research and I was surprised to find that it was a video game! I think this was a good idea because in a way it makes it more special than a movie/book/etc fanfic, it was well written with a lot of suspens. I liked it

  3. Hey,
    I thought it was really good. I actually didn't get too into the game, but I thought your story had a good sort of flow--it felt almost stream of consciousness but more narrative, drawing you in.
    It could probably just do with a go through spell check, but it had definite promise.

  4. Hi Chris,

    I didn't know anything about the game Bioshock either but in any case I found it had a very similar tone to Orwell's 1984 which I LOVE. Well written, with good use of powerful words and slogans. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this fanfic.
    All I can say is check spelling and grammar in a couple places. All in all,I thought it was really great!
